AUP or Acceptable Use Policy governs the users’ use of Services. Unless stated otherwise, the defined terms of this AUP have the meanings provided in the Terms of Service, and LLC can modify this AUP anytime without prior notice.

By agreeing to this AUP, users agree that they will comply with all the applicable laws, rules, and regulations in connection with their use of the Services. Iridium Hosting LLC can remove any material that violates this AUP from its servers, either with or without notice.

Users are responsible for the activities of their agents, representatives, and end-users regarding their abidance to this AUP. The Services are meant to be used only for legitimate businesses and commercial purposes. The Services shall not be used for the activities which may be illegal, offensive, abusive, interfere with or pose adverse effects on the Services or the use of the Services in Iridium hosting, LLC’s sole discretion. To learn more regarding this, please follow:

Prohibited Uses:

Infringement or the Rights of Intellectual Property:

The use of Services for infringing upon the intellectual property rights of another party is strictly prohibited. This includes (but is not limited to) the unauthorized copying or distribution of

  • Movies
  • Music
  • Books
  • Photographs
  • Software, or
  • Any other copyrighted work

Selling or offering to sell any counterfeit merchandise will result in immediate termination of the user’s account. If any account is found to be infringing on the intellectual property rights of others will either be removed, or its access to the material will be disabled. Those accounts violating this prohibition repeatedly will be suspended or terminated.

Those who believe that their rights of intellectual property are being infringed upon can send an email at To cater for the copyright infringement claims, Iridium Hosting, LLC follows the notice and takedown procedures of DMCA (Digital Millennium Copyright Act).

Use of Shared Accounts as Backup/Storage Device:

Users can use a shared hosting account as a backup/storage device. Exceptions include one cPanel backup of the same account.

Unacceptable Material:

At Iridium Hosting, there is a zero-tolerance policy for inappropriate material. Those who violate this policy will be terminated immediately without a refund. The list of unacceptable material is as under:

  • Anonymous or Bulk SMS Gateways
  • AutoSurf/PTC/PTS/PPC sites
  • Bank Debentures/Bank Debenture Trading Programs
  • Banner-Ad services (commercial banner ad rotation)
  • Bitcoin Miners
  • Broadcast or Streaming of Live Sporting Events (UFC, NASCAR, FIFA, NFL, MLB, NBA, WWE, WWF, etc.)
  • Bruteforce Programs/Scripts/Applications
  • Commercial Audio Streaming (more than one or two streams)
  • Escrow/Bank Debentures
  • File Dump/Mirror Scripts (similar to Rapidshare)
  • Forums and/or websites that distribute or link to warez/pirated/illegal content
  • Fraudulent Sites (Including, but not limited to sites listed at &
  • Hacker focused sites/archives/programs
  • High-Yield Interest Programs (HYIP) or Related Sites
  • Image Hosting Scripts (similar to Photobucket or Tinypic)
  • Investment Sites (FOREX, E-Gold Exchange, Second Life/Linden Exchange, Ponzi, MLM/Pyramid Scheme)
  • IP Scanners
  • IRC Scripts/Bots
  • IRCD (IRC servers)
  • Lottery/Gambling Sites
  • Mail Bombers/Spam Scripts
  • PayDay Loan Sites (including any site related to PayDay loans, PayDay loan affiliate programs, etc.)
  • Prime Banks Programs
  • Proxy Scripts/Anonymizers
  • Push-button mail scripts
  • Sale of any controlled substance without prior proof of appropriate permit(s)
  • Mailer Pro
  • Sites promoting illegal activities
  • Tell A Friend Scripts
  • Topsites
  • The unauthorized access, monitoring, collection, or use of data, systems or networks.

The list also includes

  • Hacking, phishing, spamming, scamming, identity theft, fraud, forgery, deception, virus or malware distribution, network attacks, and interference with any other user’s use of the Services.
  • Transmission, distribution or storage of illegal or fraudulent information or material
  • Information or material that will infringe or otherwise violate any
  • Privacy
  • Intellectual property
  • Publicity or other personal rights (including any copyright, patent, trademark, trade secret or other proprietary rights.)
  • Engaging in offensive activities, such as harassment or transmission or distribution of inappropriate, obscene, defamatory, threatening, abusive, or violent content. It also includes the content that violates a law, regulation, or public policy.

Users must also show compliance to all the applicable laws, rules, and regulations concerning data protection and privacy laws, along with the laws concerning any unsolicited commercial electronic changes.

Prohibition of Child Pornography:

As determined in Iridium Hosting, LLC’s sole discretion, any potentially harmful content for minors is strictly forbidden. This content includes (but is not limited to) child pornography or content perceived as child pornography. If any website is found to be hosting or linking to child pornography, it will be immediately suspended without notice.

Permission of Free Web Hosting for Resellers:

None of the Iridium Hosting resellers is allowed to give free web hosting services to their customers.

Other Prohibited Content:

Iridium Hosting has the right for refusing its services to anyone. Any material which Iridium Hosting finds obscene, threatening, illegal, or violating its Terms of Service or this AUP in any way can be removed from its servers (or can be disabled) either with or without notice.

Unacceptable Resource Usage:

The users cannot

  • Utilize 25% or more of Iridium Hosting’s resources for more than 90 seconds at a given time. Those activities that are allowed for excessive use are (but are not limited to)
  • CGI scripts
  • FTP
  • HTTP
  • PHP, etc.
  • Stand-alone, unattended server-side processes at any point-in-time on the server (including daemons, such as IRCD).
  • Any web spider or indexer (such as Google Cash/AdSpy) on the shared servers.
  • Any software interfacing with IRC (Internet Relay Chat) network.
  • Any bit tracker client, tracker, or application. The users can link to legal torrents off-site, but they cannot host or store these torrents on Iridium Hosting’s shared servers.
  • Participating in any file-sharing to peer-to-peer activities.
  • Running any games on servers (half-life, counter-strike, battlefield1942, etc.)
  • Running cron entries having an interval of fewer than 15 minutes.
  • Running any MySQL queries longer than 15 seconds. Also, it is proper indexing of the SQL categories is required.
  • Including the local file instead of URL while using PHP. For example, the users should use “include.php” instead of
  • Forcing HTML regarding handling the server-side code like PHP to reduce the usage.


If a user uses more than 250,000 inodes on any shared or reseller account, he may receive a warning. If the user does not reduce this excessive use of inodes, his account may be suspended. Any account exceeding 100,000 inodes shall be removed automatically from our servers to prevent over-usage. But as an act of courtesy, we will still backup databases.

How Many Inodes are Used Per File?

Every file (image, file, webpage, email, etc.) uses one inode.

How Do Inodes Get Accumulated?

Accumulation of inodes usually happens because users leave their catchall address enabled, but they rarely check their primary account mailbox. This leads to the build-up of thousands of messages, which eventually pushes the account past the acceptable number of inodes. To prevent this, the users can disable their default mailbox by logging into cPanel. From there, they will have to follow these steps:

  1. Choose Mail
  2. Choose Default Address
  3. Set Default Address
  4. Now, type “:fail: No such user here.”

Our Spam Policy:

Iridium Hosting has a zero-tolerance spam policy. We treat the following as spam:

  • Unsolicited emails
  • Bulk emailing
  • Safelists
  • Purchased lists, and
  • Selling of lists.

The account of a spammer can be terminated with or without notice.

Any Spamvertised websites may not be hosted on our servers. This includes (but is not limited to) spam, which is sent through

  • Email
  • Fax
  • Instant messaging
  • Phone
  • Postal mail, or
  • Unsent/newsgroups

Iridium Hosting may not host any organization or entity present in ROKSO. Also, we will suspend or terminate any user accounts that lead to the blacklisting of our IP address. We have the right of modifying or disable any.

  • Website
  • Account
  • Database, or
  • Other component not complying with our policies.

We can also make any emergency modifications that we consider necessary at our discretion. We can also charge any account’s holder who sends any unsolicited email with a cleanup fee or any charges resulting from the blacklist removal.

WHMCS Support Policy:

Iridium Hosting’s support technicians are not trained on the WHMCS software other than the initial installation. Users should address their troubleshooting issues directly to WHMCS Reseller Support Department via the following links:

Iridium Hosting is offering WHMCS upgrades for $75. Interested users can open a new support ticket if they want these upgrades.         

Defamation Policy:

According to Section 230(c) of the Communications Decency Act, Iridium Hosting’s policy did not mean removing any allegedly defamatory materials from the websites hosted on its servers. However, the material shall be removed if evidenced by the court order. Also, Iridium Hosting does not publish user content, and it cannot investigate the accuracy of individual defamation claims. Our sole reliance is on the legal system and the courts, who determine the defamatory status of the material.

We will disable access to any material indicated as defamatory by the court. Also, in the cases where a U.S. court places an injunction against the availability of particular content or material, Iridium Hosting will comply and remove or disable the access to the said material.

Our LLC Rights:

We have the right of investigating any actual, suspected, or alleged violations of this AUP. Users must cooperate with us to investigate or correct any actual or alleged breach of this AUP. We also have the right to cooperate with legal authorities and third parties regarding investigating any alleged violations of AUP (including disclosure of the identity of any user whom we believe is responsible for such violations). We may also implement any technical mechanisms for preventing AUP violations.


It is not our duty to monitor users’ activities. We also disclaim the responsibility for misusing the Services by a user. We are also not responsible for the creation, storage, maintenance, transmission, or accessibility of any material or information created by a user or a third party through our Services.

If we become aware that material has violated this AUP and/or has exposed Iridium Hosting LLC to civil or criminal liability, we may block access to such material.

AUP Violations:

If a user violates this AUP, we may terminate their services with or without noticing them. Violations may be reported to a law enforcement agency, if applicable. Users not responding to emails from our abuse department within 48 hours (or stated otherwise in the email) may face suspension or termination of the Services.

Every abuse issue will be dealt with by email/trouble ticket, and a response will be sent within the next 48 hours. If someone finds out the violation of this AUP, please report it to